Someone who is over 65 and has been in control of their lives throughout their lifetime will most likely want to remain in control even though they may now need some assistance to remain living in their own homes.
You can manage as much of your Home Care Package as you want as long as it is agreed and stated in your Home Care Agreement.
You can be highly involved in managing your Home Care Package or hardly involved at all. It's your choice and you cannot be stopped from doing it on the grounds of any lack of qualifications on your part.
Annie Donaldson
agedcare101 Registered Nurse and Carer
You might want to do your own research and make your own inquiries about different services and options or manage your own budgeting.
You can choose the service you require, negotiate fees, set up appointments and monitor the quality of the services being provided.
You can also choose a representative to act on your behalf. This can be a relative, friend or advocate.
If an older person is not in a position to manage their own Home Care Package they may still wish to have ‘directive control’ i.e. the ability to make the key decisions about their assistance. Even people who are experiencing cognitive decline can express their preferences or nominate who they would like to be their representative (family, friend, ally or advocate) in making key decisions on their behalf.
Your plan works best if there is good teamwork. This means:
- mutual value and respect
- clear definition of roles and expectations of each other in making support arrangements
- effective two-way communication
- ensuring you or your representative have a say in what is provided and how, when and by whom