Home care is aimed at maintaining a person's quality of life in their home by supporting them with their physical needs and daily activities.
Home Care might be for people who are getting older, are chronically ill, recovering from surgery or who have a disability.
Home Care Packages
Sometimes called a HCP, this is the most common type of Home Care supplied nationally, available at 4 levels with level 1 supplying the lowerest level of care and 4 supplying the highest.
Commonwealth Home and Community Care
Also known as CHSP, if you live and cope on your own and don't yet need higher levels of support, then this care type is perfect for you
Home and Community care
Also known as HACC, only available within Western Australia, the aim of this program is to help people who are frail or have a disability to live independently at home by supporting them to do so.
How Consumer Directed Care Gives You Control Over Home Care
Since February 2017, the government introduced a new approach, designed to give you more choice within your Home Care Package.
This new approach is called ‘Consumer Directed Care’. It means funding for a Home Care Package follows you - the consumer - rather than a provider.
Since February 2017
You can choose the provider that best meets your needs and if you want, who supplies the services too (and they don’t always need to be services from your provider).
You also have the flexibility to shop around and change provider if you wish.
The provider must work in partnership with you to make sure you are getting the services you need.
Costs are more transparent with you receiving an individualized budget and monthly income and expenditure statements.
What is Home Care
Here we look at all the different types of Home Care offered nationally and how where you live could impact the type of home care you receive.
Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages are the largest form of government subsidised Home Care nationally. There are also subsidies available under certain categories...
Aged Care Assessment Team
The ACAT is one of the first things that needs to be done when receiving a Home Care Package. This is the time to express everything that is...
Home Care Package Fee Structure
Understanding the finances, government subsidy and your own cost contributions can be very complex and is something that varies from person to person...
Package Provider Cost Components
What level your Home Care Package is, determines how much funding is available. Knowing how this funding is spent is really important. Here we...
Search Package Provider
You are in a partnership with your Home Care Package Provider so it is worth doing your research on them to make sure they are a good fit.
Search Service Provider
If you are looking for a specific service to be part of your home care package, then this directory of services will help you. We cover it all from...
Understanding Package and Service Providers
Understanding Package and Service Providers is crucial to understanding how your Home Care Package is delivered. There are some crossovers between...
Care Management Plan
All Home Care Packages, no matter what level, need to be case managed. There is flexibility as to how this is done. You can case manage your own care...
Home Care Agreement
The Home Care Agreement sets out everything about your Home Care Package including costs, case management, services and any extras. You need to know...