Life Care
Our Mission
Our purpose is to partner with people so they can embrace life and live it every day.
Our Vision
Life Care is an innovative provider of quality services to the ageing.
We are recognised as a preferred option of choice for active ageing and employer of choice for staff.
This is achieved by an outstanding team working in a flexible and integrated approach with volunteers and partners.
We have strong collaboration and partnerships with relatives, friends, volunteers, community groups and other agencies who share our passion for active ageing and our fundamental values.
We have responded to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical needs of our customers. We contribute towards your happiness.
Our Values
Research tells us that organisations that successfully build a culture in which positive values are shared and ‘lived’ by people at all levels will most certainly experience greater long term success.
Life Care has engaged with residents and relatives, clients, volunteers, staff and board members in order to identify core values that help define the Life Care culture. The way we behave and interact with each other, our residents and their families, our clients and other stakeholders are driven by key organisational values:
Integrity - we at all times operate in an open and honest manner while observing the highest levels of personal and professional conduct.
Respect - we are mindful of, and celebrate the differing strengths and backgrounds of each other and those in our care.
Innovation - we are open to, and seek new and innovative ideas in order to improve our service options and delivery, so that we may truly deliver on our mission.
Excellence - Life Care is committed to excellence in everything we do and hold ourselves accountable for our actions and behaviours.
Teamwork - we work together to achieve our mission and vision.
We believe that value-based leadership increases our awareness of what is possible. It’s the model that shows us how to live, breathe, walk, talk, embed and strengthen bonds during tough times – Life Care leaders make our values visible.
Effectively instilling values throughout an organisation is a significant challenge, but it’s a challenge that demonstrates Life Care’s commitment to the delivery of quality services. It is also a commitment by Life Care and its board of management to our most valuable asset – our people.