CraigCare Plumpton Villa Glenroy
CraigCare Plumpton Villa Glenroy is a splendid heritage-listed building, which makes it feel more like home than a purpose-built residential aged care home.
This majestic building is the heart and history of the Glenroy suburb and will remind you of your days growing up in Melbourne.
Our home contains 126 single bedrooms. We understand the importance of personal space and our rooms are designed to be comfortable and secure.
If you are of Italian heritage, you will feel right at home in our community as we have a very high number of Italian residents you can speak your native language with. This will help you stay connected to your cultural heritage, to participate in many Italian specific lifestyle events we host and enjoy the many traditional Italian dishes served regularly. We do our best to match carer to resident in terms of cultural background, personality, and interests.
For our residents who are living with dementia, we have a space for wayfinding, a newly renovated courtyard, quiet zones and more secluded spaces. It is especially important for residents living with dementia to be able to choose to be on their own or spend time with others. This requires designated areas and rooms that are of familiarity to the resident which also acts as a space for residents that is calming and invokes historical memories.
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