World Arthritis Day highlights the importance of exercise as Barbara Hale can testify

Barbara Hale, who has osteoarthritis in her spine, is living proof that it is possible to manage the degenerative joint disease by working out in the gym.
Aged care provider Uniting NSW.ACT wants World Arthritis Day, the global initiative held annually on 12 October, to highlight the importance of exercise in managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis.
An estimated 3.6 million Australians are living with arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoidarthritis and other types of the disease.
Uniting Exercise Physiologist Daniella Mascaro said exercise prescribed as ‘medicine’ leads to decreases in swelling and pain, along with improving bone health and overall strength.
Barbara found getting around was very painful thanks to a number of crippling conditions. Then she and her husband Warwick began working out regularly at Uniting’s Seniors Gym at Westmead, 26km west of Sydney’s CBD, since July 2021 with life-changing results.
She is now able to walk up to 10,000 steps a day and has also recently taken up yoga. A recent assessment showed Barbara’s upper body strength increased by 18.5% since joining the gym in July 2021, and her lower limb strength improved by almost 50%.
Uniting’s Seniors Gym staff will host an interactive and informative event to share the efforts of Barbara and others to manage osteoarthritis with exercise at Westmead Seniors Gym on Monday, 16 October.
For information on joining the Uniting Seniors Gym, please call 1800 864 846 or visit Uniting Seniors Gyms at Lilyfield, Westmead, Beverley Hills, Waverley War Memorial Hospital, Normanhurst, Chatswood, Gerringong, Orange and Gordon in the ACT. The latest seniors gym will be opening later this year in Leichhardt.
To register your interest in attending Uniting’s interactive and informative event on how to manage your osteoarthritis at Westmead Seniors Gym on Monday, from 1:30-2:30pm, please visit
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